Bain CRG quickly assesses a company's financial health through data-driven competitive and market intelligence, identifying both external and internal sources of distress and sustainable value creation. Encompassing all four components of a successful turnaround–financial, operational, strategic and organizational–the group combines the decisive, short-term capabilities of traditional restructuring firms with Bain's proven track record of strategy and operational expertise across multiple industries.To translate this statement from vague corporate gobbledygook into normal English, companies like Bain turnaround failing organizations by identifying (and fixing) the organization's core capabilities while jettisoning other activities.
In the case of the Federal Government, the core capabilities fall under Article I Section 8, Article II Section 2, and Article III Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution; everything else is covered under the Tenth Amendment.
Uproot and Overhaul, introduced by Governor Rick Perry during his brief White House run, is the road map by which you jettison all the unnecessary stuff.
Amen, bro.