Saturday, May 23, 2015

Byron Cook waters down pro-life bill out of spite

"They sharpen their tongues like a serpent;
The poison of asps is under their lips."
Pslam 140:3

We can't even:
The House State Affairs Committee passedSenate Bill 575 by Republican Larry Taylorof Friendswood on a 7-1 vote after amending it to only ban insurance coverage on health insurance purchased through the federal Affordable Care Act’s marketplace.
Originally, SB 575 would have banned abortion coverage on both ACA plans and private health insurance plans. The committee instead amended the bill so that it mirrored a measure filed in the House by state Rep. Marsha Farney, R-Georgetown, and approved by the committee this month before dying on a House bill deadline
The measure still has to clear several hurdles. It must be placed on the House calendar by 10 p.m. Sunday and passed on the floor by Tuesday.

[Emphasis added]
First off, obviously, the amended version of the bill is FAR more permissive towards the abortion industry than the original.

But where this is even more insidious is that if the House passed the bill in it's current form, it would have to go BACK to the Senate for them to concur.

Bottom Line: Unless the bill is amended on the House floor, how many babies will die between now and the start of the next legislative session because Byron Cook would rather spite conservatives than pass a pro-life bill with teeth?!?

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