Friday, October 4, 2019

Entitled Bimbo Wants to Serve You (to his donors on a platter)

"Even a child is known by his deeds,
Whether what he does is pure and right."
Proverbs 20:11

Via Kevin Williamson:
A source in Texas told me that George P. Bush, currently the state’s land commissioner, already is running a quiet campaign for lieutenant governor. His people would not exactly confirm that, but what they did say was, in a sense, more interesting: Who says it’s lieutenant governor?

“While he wouldn’t challenge current Governor Abbott or Lieutenant Governor Patrick, if an opening presents itself he would absolutely consider serving Texans in a higher role. When that moment arises, he’s ready,” said adviser J. R. Hernandez.

George P. Bush is the son of the former Florida governor and the nephew of the former Texas governor and president. He was born in Houston and is a graduate of Rice University and the University of Texas School of Law.

“Over the last few months,” Hernandez says, “several activists and donors have asked Commissioner Bush to consider higher office in Texas. At this time he is 100 percent focused on doing his job as land commissioner.”
This is the worst idea since Pete Sessions decided to run for Congress in Waco.

Good grief.

Is there any market for George P. Bush anywhere (besides a few big donors)?!?

With all due respect to whomever this "J.R. Hernandez" character might be (*), there sure as heck ain't any activists calling for this.  That may not ultimately matter, we've campaigns win without activist support (case in point: George P. Bush 2018).  But for anyone connected to the Bushes to claim "activist" support illustrates the sense of entitlement with which the entire operation carries itself.

Bottom Line: What could possibly go wrong?!?


* -- We sent GLO some open records requests.

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