The CSCOPE ESC directors announced that they will gut the CSCOPE curriculum by removing every CSCOPE lesson K-12. YEA!
Was this done because these Education Service Center directors decided that the CSCOPE lessons are not of a quality that they would want taught to our Texas children? I wish. Instead, this decision was made with the intent of killing a legislative bill that would provide control over curriculum created by the ESCs. Seems the ESC directors will do anything to remain in control of their kingdom.
In a last ditch effort to keep CSCOPE lessons in our Texas Schools, the CSCOPE ESC directors are encouraging teachers to download the CSCOPE lessons. Yes, teachers are encouraged to copy the poorly written, incorrect, Anti-American, pro-Islamic, Anti-Christian CSCOPE lessons before Aug. 2013 when they will be forever gone. (Not if the CSCOPE ESC directors have anything to do with it. Wait and you will see these lessons for sale somewhere. Maybe in another form they will sell them to Texas School superintendents who confess that they must have CSCOPE.]
Now that the CSCOPE lessons may legally be copied, there is no need for school districts to rent CSCOPE. Every CSCOPE lesson has the number of suggested days and every IFD (Information Focus Document) for the lesson has the clarification for the TEKS. Done Deal! Teachers have the coveted scope and sequence that superintendents have used textbook funds to rent. Now all they have to do is open up the book room and dust off those textbooks. YES!!! Any textbook is useful. The ESCs who sell CSCOPE are the same ESCs who received more than $180+ million dollars to compare the TAKS state standards with the new TEKS. All superintendent have to do is request the Rider 42 K-12 TEKS Professional Development turnaround academy materials for Science, ELAR, Social Studies and Math. It is time for the public to evaluate this material that they paid $180+ million dollars for.
How fast things can change. Only yesterday teachers faced legal action for even making paper copies of the CSCOPE lessons. Following is one of several statements in the legal contract that teachers were forced to sign if they wanted to work. Yes, this contract was suppose to have been null and void according to Senator Patrick, but superintendents did not confirm this with their teachers.
“You are prohibited from copying, saving to a disk or hard drive, redistributing, using or publishing any portion of the Site, except as allowed by Section 3. (Which allows sharing only with others who have signed the CSCOPE gag-order.)”
What ever the reason, I send my thanks to each ESC director for making the right decision. Since there is no need for the ESCs to sell the CSCOPE scope and sequence, as of August, the entire CSCOPE website can be taken off line and the ESC directors and staff can return to actually providing a service to schools in their district.
Since my original intent for viewing the CSCOPE lessons was to help elementary kids with science, I volunteered my tutoring services. I am now volunteering my services to help elementary teachers with science. First order of business is to request science text books. If they are outdated–no problem. I am sure that the ESCs have not spent all of the $180+ million Rider 42 grant money and will be happy to use it to hire someone to post science information on the project share website. Without the CSCOPE micromanaging program, teachers can again be creative and actually align science lessons with the science process standards. I will be more than happy to provide complimentary materials to guide this process. My heart for the first time since I discovered the mind controlling CSCOPE program is light and happy. Thanks to everyone who has helped.
Texas It is Not Over
While the CSCOPE lessons have been offered up by the CSCOPE ESC directors, they want superintendents to continue to purchase supplies from companies that pay the ESCs a fee so that their products are purchased by Texas School Districts. Yes, companies are charged a yearly fee of $25,000 to $100,000 or maybe more for the honor of advertising that they are aligned with CSCOPE. I wonder how this is working out for them? But, on the sly, these companies could still sell to Texas schools with superintendents who continue to use the CSCOPE lessons. Teachers can help stop this by notifying CSCOPE Review that they are being pressured to copy the CSCOPE lessons. This can be done anonymously . Send the info to CSCOPEREVIEW@gmail.com or snail mail it to:
Tx CSCOPE Review
PO Box 145
Riesel, Texas 76682
Don’t stop now. We still have the superintendents and other administrators who shoved CSCOPE down the throats of our teachers. We still have the school board members who sold out to CSCOPE and never evaluated the lessons. We still have TASA and TASB who are stealing school taxes from our school districts and have rings in the noses of most of the Texas school administrators. These administrators have no concern for our children. They have in their own minds established themselves as kings and queens. But, they need to be dethroned and people who love our children enough to listen to the concerns of parents. We want administrators who do not think they know what is best for our children and want parents and the community to not be involved in education. Yes, there is still much work to be done.
The ESCs need to explain what they have been doing with the millions and millions of grant money they have received over the past few years. They certainly do not need to be given anymore.