Wednesday, September 9, 2015

EXCLUSIVE: John Carter getting challenger?!?

"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;
But when a wicked man rules, the people groan."
Proverbs 29:2

John Carter is one of the most useless Republicans in Texas' U.S. House delegation.  His district is anchored in Williamson County and also includes Temple, Kileen, and parts of Ft. Hood.  Last night, we received the following press release from Cedar Park businessman Bob Cornelius:
Statement by Bob Cornelius About A Possible Run For Congress:

"While I respect Congressman Carter's service during his 35 years in public office, I am deeply troubled by his recent performance, and every Republican in District 31 should be concerned as well.

His votes to support budget bills that fund ObamaCare, fund Obama's Executive Amnesty initiatives, and that have allocated billions of taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood do not reflect our central Texas values.

Congressman Carter has supported budget cuts to Ft. Hood and our military as a whole at a time when ISIS and other Islamic terrorist organizations are a growing threat to our country and our allies.

Congressman Carter’s poor attendance record – missing nearly half of all votes in this past session – means that he wasn’t there for the people of his district, who count on him to stand up for our conservative values.

For these reasons, I am considering a run for Congress. If I run, I will be a conservative alternative to Congressman Carter, who has one of the most liberal voting records of any Texas Republican in Congress. I share the concerns of voters in the district about the direction this country is headed and the refusal of Congressman Carter to fight against President Obama's liberal agenda.

As I’ve traveled throughout the district, I’ve listened to the voices of business leaders, Republican Party officials and grassroots activists who are deeply upset with the voting record and lack of leadership shown by Congressman Carter. If I do decide to run, I will run hard and I will run to win. In the meantime, I am prayerfully weighing this important decision and seeking advice and guidance from family, friends, and supporters across the district.”

Bob Cornelius is Founder/CEO of 90 Degrees Agency, which is a full-service advertising/marketing firm that assists in electing conservative candidates and promoting conservative causes and values. He is active within several GOP organizations in both Bell and Williamson counties. He lives in Cedar Park.
Bottom Line: While campaign finance laws make Federal races inherently more challenging than the State level, Williamson County is a conservative county and it isn't difficult to see a well run Congressional campaign gaining traction.


  1. Carter talks like a conservative at home and works like a typical political insider in DC. He supports Boehner and his failed leadership.

    1. CLEAN SWEEP 2016 of all incumbents. they have a 90% reelection rate because we want "our team' to win when it is really them against us!

  2. Lol Bob Cornelius the fraud artist from NM? Check him out, long history of embellishing everything from his work, business, education and accomplishments. Took plenty of people's money in NM but never earned a dime, felony charges out of Fl, stay away from him.

  3. Mike Sweeney is running against Carter also, one way or the other John "I love the Omnibus Bill" Carter has got to go.

  4. Mike Sweeney is running against Carter also, one way or the other John "I love the Omnibus Bill" Carter has got to go.

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