"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;
But when a wicked man rules, the people groan."
Proverbs 29:2
Author's Note: You can read our first round of candidate endorsements here.]
With the 2016 Texas Republican Primary
barely two months away, Cahnman's Musings endorses the following candidates:
Wanye Christian:
Among the candidates who filed, this was an easy choice. We supported Wayne Christian
when he ran for Railroad Commission in 2014.
Wayne Christian got hosed in that election and this cycle offers an opportunity to correct that injustice.
Note: For those unaware, it's worth pointing out that, despite the name, the Texas Railroad Commission is the primary regulator of Texas' Energy Sector.]
Steve Toth, CD-8:
Steve Toth is a friend of this website (we've
gone to Church with the man). To be honest, we wanted him to run for President. We're pleased he's
FINALLY running for Federal office.
During his time in the Texas House, Steve Toth was
a persistent thorn in the side of leadership. With GOP victory at the Federal level likely, it's important for conservatives to elect rank-and-file members who won't go along to get along. We won't make any predictions yet about how the U.S. House will operate in 2017, but if a back-bench revolt is necessary, Steve Toth will lead it.
most liberal Republican in
Texas' congressional delegation running in a safe Republican district. As the sitting chairman of the Federal tax-writing committee, the
10-TERM INCUMBENT will have unlimited backing from the
#WashingtonCartel. Of course, the last time Steve Toth
took on a committee chairman with close ties to the Speaker and every lobbyist in town,
he won.
Brent Mayes, SD-24:
We've observed this race for several months. We've met most of the candidates multiple times. With C.J. Grisham's departure from the race (
and subsequent endorsement), Brent Mayes is the clear conservative choice in this race.
Brent Mayes attended Konni Burton's candidate forum. Brent Mayes ran for office to get Texas
out from under the Federal Government's boot. Brent Mayes
has openly stated his willingness to oppose a Republican President. Brent Mayes
supports Constitutional Carry. Brent Mayes wants to
eliminate film subsidies.
To be honest, there is another candidate in this race we like. Unfortunately,
her background with the Texas Medical Association is a
DEALBREAKER. Vote Brent Mayes.
TEXAS HOUSE (Running for Re-Election)
Molly White, HD-55:
During the 84th #TXLEGE, Molly White
gave global jihad a conniption fit. That, by itself, is reason to support her re-election. Molly White also voted
for Scott Turner for Speaker.
Molly White is a
powerful pro-life advocate who has
spent years in the trenches of the pro-life movement. Molly White worked with numerous pro-life non-profits and has
stood for life in front of the United Nations.
A former GOP Precinct chair, Molly White was a grassroots activist long before she became a legislator. Any grassroots activist who stands for life in front of the United Nations is OK in our book. Pro-life champions like Molly White will, sadly, be necessary until the day
Roe v. Wade is overturned.
Molly White is also
a taxpayer champion who is
no friend of the noxious cronyism that so often pervades the Texas House.
TEXAS HOUSE (Challenger/Open Seat candidates)
Bryan Slaton, HD-2:
Bryan Slaton is running against Dan Flynn; that alone is good reason to support Bryan Slaton.
Dan Flynn became Joe Straus' hatchet man during the Wallace Hall impeachment fiasco, he earned the enduring enmity of this website. There
was a time when Dan Flynn was one of the stronger conservatives in the legislature, but over the years
he's drifted closer to leadership. All things considered, Dan Flynn is a strong case for term limits.
Bryan Slaton, by contrast, is one of the hardest working grassroots activists in this state. During the 84th #TXLEGE, Bryan Slaton was a regular presence at the Capitol. As a strong across the board conservative with the a work ethic to match, Bryan Slaton will be a welcome addition to the Texas House of Representatives.
Larry Smith, HD-54:
Of all the Candidates we've heard speak this cycle, Larry Smith might be the most impressive.
ten-year veteran, Larry Smith came to the Kileen area during his military career and settled there after he retired. Larry Smith
wants to lead the diversification of the area's economy. In an era of uncertainty surrounding the defense budget, relying upon Ft. Hood is an unsafe bet.
One final note: Larry Smith is committed
to education reform where the money follows the child, not the bureaucrat; considering that this is the seat from which [Straus' education chair] Jimmie Don Aycock is retiring, electing a pro-school choice candidate in this seat would be particularly sweet.
Read King, HD-64:

Similar to Bryan Slaton, Read King is an
extremely hard-working grassroots activist. During this past legislative session, Read King was such a regular presence at the Capitol that we'd thought he'd temporarily moved down. Turns out he was commuting to Austin from Denton.
Read King is a
home school dad. Read King is a
Republican precinct chair and
has been a delegate to several state conventions. We will overlook the fact that he is also (*SHUDDER*) an
In 2014, Read King
came close to knocking off the incumbent; in 2016, this is an open seat.