Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The most important line from TED CRUZ's NATIONAL SECURITY Speech!!!

"The rich rules over the poor,
And the borrower is servant to the lender."
Proverbs 22:7

Amen, well said:
Controlling government spending and unleashing economic growth will address the costs and are desirable in themselves. My detailed spending plan reduces federal spending by at least a half trillion dollars over ten years. These reductions are just a start. The resulting savings would be in addition to my plan to Audit the Pentagon to identify and eliminate unnecessary programs. We will seize the opportunity to sell federal assets and properties that would be better used in the private sector, thus generating additional revenues.
EXACTLY.  America cannot begin to meet it's national security challenges without a robust, growing economy.  Economic growth was a key component of Reagan's national security strategy and, at least to our knowledge, Ted Cruz is the only candidate running this cycle who has made the connection between economic growth and national security.

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