"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice;
But when a wicked man rules, the people groan."
Proverbs 29:2
It's that time in the political cycle. With the Texas Republican primary only three and a half months out, we must separate wheat from chaff. Therefore, Cahnman's Musings endorses the following candidates:
Ted Cruz (Previously Donated):
Among the candidates running, Ted Cruz defines the problems facing the United States best; because Ted properly defines the problem, he's able to properly discuss solutions.
Early in this campaign, Ted coined the phrase "Washington Cartel" to describe the entrenched culture he is running to break up and replace. It's a devastatingly accurate phrase. On issue after issue, corrupt career politicians in both parties have colluded with lobbyists and the media to pass the lobby agenda while stiffing voters. Nothing is going to change in D.C. until you blow up the corrupt insider culture. America's problems pre-date the current President and will, unless radical change occurs, continue long after he leaves. Ted Cruz would be that radical change. While other candidates have taken on bad ideas in the other party, no one in this race has taken on his own party like Ted Cruz.
It's uncanny how closely, after 4 years of observation, Ted's views on DIFFICULT public policy issues continue to mirror our own. On issues like the border and national security, Ted strikes a middle ground between hawks and libertarians that draws on the best ideas of both but avoids their respective excesses. Ted Cruz is the only candidate with a plausible path to the White House who understands our DESPERATE need to reign in the Federal Reserve. Ted Cruz made the grotesque Export-Import "bank" a household name. When it comes to judicial nominations (and saving babies), Ted Cruz has stated that he's NOT afraid of a confirmation fight.
Matt McCall, CD-21:
In the Congressional district where we reside, Matt McCall is running for the second time against a 30 year incumbent who has failed to deliver.
We've been disgusted with our 30 year incumbent congressman since he voted for the TARP bailout in 2008. Three years later, this 30 year incumbent attempted to pass a hideous invasion of internet privacy called SOPA. Over 30 years, the incumbent has run up a record we described in 2012 as: "Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad."
Despite having lived in his district for most of the past seven years, we'd never met the incumbent Congressman until earlier this year. Strangely enough, Matt McCall's underfunded 2014 campaign managed to capture 34% of the vote. Since then, the incumbent has voted modestly better, but a couple months of better votes cannot repair years of violated trust. Matt McCall would be a fresh start. Between a 30 year incumbent and a fresh start, the choice is obvious.
David Simpson, SD-1:
The best symbol for this race is the back microphone in the chamber of the Texas House of Representatives.
There is more than one good candidate in this race. Between those good candidates, David Simpson is the one who was most frequently a public thorn in the side of House leadership. There's a reason why Jonathan Stickland and Konni Burton support David Simpson.
On the policy front, David Simpson is the only candidate in this race to vote against Governor Abbott's
TEXAS HOUSE (Running for Re-Election)
Jonathan Stickland, HD-92 (Previously Donated):

You know someone terrifies leadership when they resort to intimidation and lawlessness to stop him; Team Straus has done this to Jonathan Stickland more times than we can count.
Jonathan Stickland has a habit his colleagues despise: he reads bills. Because Jonathan Stickland reads bills, Jonathan Stickland comes prepared to ask his colleagues difficult questions on the Texas House floor. They HATE that. Last session, at personal peril and legal expense, Jonathan Stickland (with an assist from Dan Patrick) killed a bill that would have granted law enforcement authority to rent-a-cops from the Federal Reserve. For that alone, Jonathan Stickland deserves re-election.
Jonathan Stickland is the conscience of the Texas House of Representatives. Jonathan Stickland keeps the Texas House of Representatives honest. Jonathan Stickland has carried legislation to promote conservative priorities like Constitutional Carry and repealing tuition subsidies for illegal aliens. Jonathan Stickland is a conservative champion. Let's send Jonathan Stickland back for another two years!!!
Matt Rinaldi, HD-115:
This one was the most difficult decision. That's not because of anything Matt Rinaldi did; Matt Rinaldi's awesome. We just have such a low opinion of Matt Rinaldi's opponent that we're not sure he needs our help.
Before he was sworn in, Matt Rinaldi set the tone for the session when he publicly disemboweled the Joe Biden of Texas Republicans in a debate over the speaker's race. During the session, Matt Rinaldi used social skills to play good cop to Stickland's bad cop. By the end of the session, Matt Rinaldi had edged out Stickland as the most conservative representative.
One note about Matt Rinaldi's opponent: A former state representative, Matt Rinaldi's opponent is the latest entitled, narcissistic, progeny of a Texas political dynasty to attempt to buy public office. Think of the Bush family minus the ethics and manners. While there are plenty of positive reasons to vote for Matt Rinaldi, striking a blow against political dynasties is another good one.
Tony Tinderholt, HD-94:
The #3 conservative last session, Tony Tinderholt is the latest sensation to emerge from Tarrant County.
Early in the session, Tony Tinderholt filed a complaint against a lawless Travis County judge who attempted to use a probate case to re-write Texas' marriage laws. In so doing, Tony Tinderholt gave Jon Stewart a fit. If Tony Tinderholt can give Jon Stewart a fit, he's alright in our book.
Tony Tinderholt took out a Straus lieutenant in 2014. Now, Team Straus is looking for revenge. Re-electing Tony Tinderholt would preserve a seat that had been in RINO hands until very recently.
TEXAS HOUSE (Challenger Candidates)
Jeff Judson, HD-121:
Jeff Judson is the strongest challenger Joe Straus has ever seen; that alone is sufficient reason to support Jeff Judson.
Jeff Judson is the former President of the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Jeff Judson has run successfully for local office in the district. Jeff Judson has defeated left-wing transportation proposals locally and is well versed in transportation policy.
Jeff Judson is also an outspoken school choice supporter. Education is the most liberal policy realm in the Texas House, and Joe Straus has pledged to maintain the status quo if he returns. Joe Straus is an obstacle to structural governmental reforms, and Jeff Judson is the strongest candidate to remove that obstacle.
Thomas McNutt, HD-8:
Thomas McNutt is running against Byron Cook; that alone is reason to support Thomas McNutt.
Thomas McNutt is a fourth-generation steward of one of the most successful family-owned businesses in Texas' History. Thomas McNutt supports economic liberty and, unlike the incumbent, opposes illegal immigration. Thomas McNutt will NOT kill 8 pro-life bills in committee out of spite.
Thomas McNutt has been endorsed by Empower Texans, Texas Right to Life, and Texas Values. Corsicana is a conservative stronghold and its residents deserve better than a lawless state rep who supports corrupt, liberal, "leadership." Thomas McNutt is the conservative consensus choice to replace a prominent member of the corrupt cartel that runs the Texas House.
Bo French, HD-99:
Bo French is running against Charlie Geren; that alone is reason to support Bo French.
Just this morning, Bo French was endorsed by Empower Texans. As they write: “Bo French is a bold champion for values and principles that Texans hold dear,” said TFR’s president, Michael Quinn Sullivan. “Bo French’s smart, no-nonsense approach to good public policy is precisely what taxpayers are demanding. Just as importantly, French will fight the cronyism and corruption that has infested so many levels of government.”
Tarrant County is the leading edge of Texas' grassroots renaissance. Up to this point, HD-99 has resisted these countywide, statewide, and national trends. On March 1st, voters in Northwestern Tarrant County will have the opportunity to send Bo French to Austin to represent their conservative values.
Jay Wiley, HD-47:
We've known Jay Wiley since he ran for Austin City Council in 2014. After he (barely) came up short in that race, we had hoped Jay Wiley would run for HD-47. Thankfully, he did.
Jay Wiley is the choice for Travis County taxpayers based on local issues alone. Unlike the silent incumbent, Jay Wiley was a vocal opponent of the recent courthouse bond. The husband of an ob-gyn, Jay Wiley has committed himself to reducing your property taxes by eliminating the odious entity known as Central Health.
While it's in Travis County, HD-47 is one of the safest Republican districts in Texas. There's NO reason for Travis County conservatives to pull punches. Whether your motivating issue is property taxes, defending babies, property taxes, illegal immigration, property taxes, anything else, or property taxes, Jay Wiley is the clear conservative choice in HD-47.
CJ Grisham! Love the blog.
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